I love products, reading about them, testing them out, placing them lovingly in little rows like happy soldiers in my war against ug. And I've got all sorts of hair types in this household, and this is something we all agree upon: Frederic Fekkai's Beach Waves Spray is best sea salt spray out there, it is fab, we all use it in various ways (me, bun in hair, spray it, take bun out later, beachy hair, girls, braid hair wet, spray it, twist it up, spray again, in morning wavy hair. Happy are we.)
And E, my already wavy haired girl who is swimming twice a day, is loving the Smooth Sailing cream stuff, it totally works and she becomes California Barbie and I am jealous.
So we all love it, the girls are starting to steal it from me so I have had to order extras to stash around in case of Beauty Apocolypse, we need to be prepared. If FF wants to send me giant cases of it, that'd be awesome. For now, purchasing will do. LOOOOVE.