This is a chronic thing now, apparently.
I am always using this self-assigned assignment as a most excellent procrastination tool/chance to wear my giant purple headphones.
But tonight, I am cracking myself up, making a mindlessly delightful (to me and I hope to the recipients as well, that is goal anyway)
thing I am calling Summer of No Math.
My work in progress is named Summer of No Math because I started the mix with The Dolls "Summer of 93" -- that was supremely awesome summer for me, summer of most excellent cross country trip ever, and I am seeing those friends very soon, and the mixtape muse struck.
But then?
I did math (Specifically: What year is it? What year was that? Oh. Nevermind.)
And got bummed out.
So, no math.
Apparently I am now going to have to cross the verbal part of the SATS off of my mixtape as well.
Because I was putting Kid Astray's "The Mess" on, and I was having a fab chair dance, I love this song, but I realize I totally, completely am not solid on the lyrics.
In fact, what I am singing makes no sense at all.
I have come up with "He won't know what you put in his Cornflakes."
That seems way off.
And then I am thinking they are counting in German, and something something.
I have no idea.
So I reluctantly try to find out what the lyrics actually are -
I hate to do this, it feels like cheating - but I can't go around singing about Cornflakes unless I am sure I should be singing about Cornflakes.
Well, I was waaay off.
Like, the Universe saying "Go To Bed, Allison, You Are Melting From The Heat, Nobody Is Singing About Cornflakes."
I am not sure how I got from what they were singing to what I decided they were singing, but I cannot deny the Universe has a point.
I will extract myself from my excellent procrastination and headphones in just a minute before I totally get other songs completely wrong.
After I get the next ten songs I picked out squared away, I will totally stop this.